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Transport Fever |
If the principle behind the two Urban Games titles is similar, Transport Fever is indeed more ambitious and refined than its predecessor. The game puts us in control of a transport company at first modest, which must make the best use of funds hardly collected from investors in order to gradually get a real empire. On maps of different sizes we have to respond to the demands of the inhabitants and the industrialists, and become irreplaceable without being overwhelmed by spending ... This base always present in the game that we test today, is complemented by new means of Locomotion but also two elements that cruelly missed Train Fever: a tutorial, and a campaign mode.![]() |
Transport Fever |
Once we are well imbued with the tricks of the trade, we can access several campaigns that constitute a very welcome innovation. If the free mode is always of the part these scenarios allow us to follow precise objectives through a narration rather well damn. They send us, in fact, to Europe and America in missions with a pronounced historical aspect; One of the interests of this franchise being to make us travel from 1850 to today. The 19th century was the cradle of industrialization, the era of steel and electricity, the "Railway mania" and then the "canalmania"; A context conducive to the most epic stories and this time Urban Games did not miss the check mark. It is thus through fourteen missions in total (seven for each continent) that we will follow in the footsteps of the transport pioneers: it will be to lay the first rails in the American West while taking care of the red skins, d To help build an imposing railway tunnel across the Alps, or to attend the electricity race run by Westinghouse, Edison and Tesla.The articulation between directional and free is done well, since we are given objectives and we are free of the means used to achieve them. These goals are narrated to us by an English voiceover with a strong cowboy accent, which reinforces the immersion in the era of the great conquests and the American dream; It will be regrettable that it is identical for the European context, and that the sets are so varied, so similar between the two continents. The objectives are to build an intelligent network that supports the development of cities in terms of passenger transport as well as goods. The challenge soon becomes clear, and the margin of error rather low! Indeed, if a company needs steel and planks of wood to create machines, we will have to transport coal and iron ore to the steel plant, from logs to the sawmill, then to All this will require the development of an optimized network, and we must not hesitate to build a bus or tram network to obtain more revenues and fall on a balanced budget to the end of the year.
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Transport Fever 2 |
Once we finish the campaign or if we are the type not wanting to receive orders, the "Free Game" mode is for us. We can choose a starting field (Europe or America, alas, again, quite similar), a map size and a difficulty before the game composes the map in a procedural way. The rendering can be extremely vast and coherent, rather detailed with a level of zoom still remarkable. Two years after Train Fever however, the graphic evolution is not really at the rendezvous but the pleasure of play compensates these graphics just correct. What is more annoying though is that the title is always resource intensive and even on the best machines, slowdowns and long loading times will be of the game. Fortunately, the menu of graphic options is rather complete and should improve the situation after a few adjustments.Once arrived on these vast expanses full of promises, free to us to create our empire! The players of Train Fever will not be disoriented since the mechanics are very similar: one can first analyze the cities and estimate the needs of the inhabitants and the industrialists thanks to a clear interface, although it is necessary to close several windows regularly to Not be submerged. Once we have chosen where to start we can link a starting point and a point of arrival by a road or rails; We will place at each end stations or depots of merchandise according to what is transported, as well as a depot of train or bus. After purchasing machines, it will be necessary to assign them to a route of our choice, which can make several stops at key points. If all goes well we will generate revenues that will allow us to maintain the equipment, and move on to our next project. Little by little the networks become complex, and what a sensation when after we have broken our heads, our nascent empire generates its first recipes!

Globally Transport Fever remains a complete opus and take, which will be of interest to aspiring managers. Realized with much more care than its eldest, offering a greater content, it embarks us in a raised challenge where we have all the latitude and whose outcome, when positive, is really satisfactory. To accompany our time-consuming game sessions, the developers provided a soundtrack that was not expected at the turn but convincing. Often blues, sometimes tinted with electronics, the 32 tracks compose a copious sounding skirt and always in tone. Once we get tired of it, it's because an afternoon of game has just ended: a good sign, in short ...
- Simple mechanisms with complex possibilities, a challenge raised-The addition of a tutorial
-The countryside mode, copious and well brought
-The historical aspect of the great conquests gives a true identity to the game
-An increasingly expanded content, and complemented by mods
-A Pharaonic lifetime
-A solid soundtrack to accompany all this
-The decorations are not varied enough, and technically just correct-We always see performance concerns
-Lack sometimes of depth and logic
- Inevitable lengths in campaign mode, even by accelerating time
After a promising first but lacking a lot of finishing, Urban Games corrects its copy by proposing to us a game of management relying on mechanics certainly familiar, however extended and refined. The two main problems of his elder, which were the lack of accompaniment of the player and the only presence of a free mode, are corrected here by the addition of a rather clear tutorial and a campaign. Moreover, this time we pass from the simple floor of the cows to the addition of the river and air network, which further complements the possibilities offered by a vast and intelligent title. Alas Transport Fever can also disappoint us sometimes in terms of complexity and possibilities, and is always accompanied by a skirt little folichon that damages the best configurations. In short, this title can still be improved by completing and redefining itself, but in any case it is a real improvement and a good choice for amateurs and amateurs of the genre.
